Bringing Imagination to Life with Commercial Outdoor Playground Equipment

Bringing Imagination to Life with Visionary Commercial Playground Equipment.
Transform your outdoor space with interactive and creative play. All kids have dreams. Let’s work together to engage their imagination and channel their energy with safe and affordable fun.


High-Quality Commercial Outdoor Playground Equipment for Your Youngsters and Community

Whether you’re a school, a religious center, a multi-family housing complex, a day care center, a progressive organization, or a city architecture firm – we have the key to help you unlock inspiration in your community through adventurous fun. Your vision and goals are our number one priority. With over 25 years in the industry, we understand the importance of promoting healthy and productive play for children of all ages and abilities. From commercial playground equipment to outdoor fitness areas, we offer high-quality components you need to slide your way towards long-lasting play.
Our comprehensive range includes the best commercial playground equipment on sale, sourced directly from the leading commercial playground equipment manufacturer. We provide a variety of commercial playground equipment parts to ensure durability and safety for every setup. Whether you aim to purchase commercial playground equipment for a new project or upgrade existing facilities with top-rated components, our selection promises unmatched quality and innovation. Explore our latest deals to find affordable options that don’t compromise on fun or safety. Let us be your partner in creating dynamic, inclusive play spaces that cater to the adventurous spirit of every child.



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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Commercial Playground Equipment

  • What is the difference between commercial and residential playground equipment?

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    Commercial playground equipment is designed to be used in public spaces such as schools, parks and daycares, built to withstand heavier traffic and needing to meet stricter safety standards. This type of equipment is generally constructed with more durable materials and more complex constructions meant to accommodate a larger age range of kids. The residential playground equipment is smaller in scale, intended for less intense usage, tends to accommodate fewer children, and is often installed in backyards of residences.

  • What is the most used playground equipment?

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    The most common and favourite pieces of play equipment at playgrounds nowadays are slides, swings and climbers. Children of all ages seem to spend the most time on these pieces since they combine fun and challenge with physical activities. The key to the universal popularity of slides, swings and climbers lies in the opportunity they give children to play together, use their imagination, and develop physically.

  • How long does a commercial playground last?

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    Commercial playground equipment should be properly maintained to ensure longevity. Typically, playground equipment can last more than 15 years. This depends on some factors, for example the quality of used materials. Appropriate materials are crucial for the playground equipment. Also, regular use plays a role. Frequent playing on playgrounds will inevitably lead to faster wear and breakage. If there is maintenance routine for the equipment, the lifespan of that equipment will be boosted. When we produce play systems, it is our main goal to make them for long-term fun. That is why the material of our equipment is chosen by the best commercial playground equipment manufacturers.

  • What makes a perfect playground?

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    A good playground is accessible, safe, fun and challenging for kids of all ages and abilities, providing opportunities to engage with other children and try out different physical activities and cognitive challenges. Furthermore, it incorporates safety features and is made of durable, maintenance-friendly materials.

  • What is a playground checklist?

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    A playground checklist is a tool used to ensure all aspects of playground safety and quality are met. It includes checks for proper installation, regular maintenance, safety standards compliance, and accessibility. This checklist helps in identifying any potential issues that could compromise the safety or enjoyment of the playground.

  • What is the best surface for a playground?

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    The safest playground surface to avoid injuries from falls is shock-absorbing. Rubber mulch, poured-in-place rubber, artificial turf and engineered wood fibre are the best surfacing for playgrounds. They are also accessible. For instance, they meet rolling resistance and impact attenuation standards.


How to Purchase the Right Commercial Playground Equipment for Your Project

To create an engaging and fun outdoor environment for kids, you need to select the right materials and source affordable commercial playground equipment from a reliable manufacturer. Every playground is made up of many components. Each one of these parts should be durable and require as little maintenance as possible, to ensure maximum fun while keeping safety and longevity at the forefront of your decision-making.
Managers, contractors and architects choose KidsTale as their commercial grade equipment partner because we cherish our kid’s dreams and do all we can to make sure they come true.
Here’s what you should look out for when deciding to purchase commercial playground equipment

  • Skilled Craftsmanship

    Our designers and skilled workers are passionate about creating practical and engaging equipment that facilitates the social and cognitive growth of all children. Made with thought, our play systems drive learning through play.

  • Protection Against the Elements

    With over 30 years of experience, we know exactly which materials to use and what precautions to take to ensure every post, barrier, gate and panel are built to last. We work hard to ensure that every moment of fun will last a lifetime.

  • Safety and Compliance

    Safety is key. We strictly adhere to all national playground safety guidelines for both ASTM and CPSC. We are also fully certified to provide the highest quality solutions that encourage new adventures in a safe environment.

  • Environmentally Friendly Materials

    Children are our future. We care as much about protecting the environment as you do and strive to use environmentally friendly recyclable, carbon neutral materials wherever possible.

Are you ready to take the next step towards building outdoor fun?


Learning More About Commercial Outdoor Playground Equipment

Innovative organizations in all sectors of the community choose to purchase commercial playground equipment that transforms their outdoor spaces. Playgrounds are not just ideal because they are at the heart of a kid’s sense of adventure and fun. They also promote healthy communication and interaction between children as they grow.


So, what is commercial outdoor playground equipment, and what do you need to consider when selecting the ideal play structures for your community of energetic little angels?