Nurturing a Love for Nature at Dry Creek

The homeowners of Dry Creek have always believed in the power of play. Hoping to engage their kids, unite their families, and create happy memories for all, they decided to build a unique playground. Their aim was to inspire every member of their housing complex to connect with the great outdoors!

Carving Inclusive Play from the Tree of Innovation

Once the seed of creativity was planted in their community, there was no turning back! They began hunting for playground experts who could transform their outdoor space. Open to new ideas, they were looking to be wowed! On a mission to convert their outdoor area into an exciting, ADA compliant park, they wanted to find an affordable partner with both creative vision and industry knowledge. When they spoke to KidsTale, they realized pretty quickly that our company has what it takes to empower the imaginations of their youngsters through play. Pleased to be recognized for our innovative ideas, we soon set to work with great plans in mind.

Flower Lines


The Outcome

Inspired by our themed playground structures, we combined the modernity of inclusive play, with Dry Creek’s passion for nature to create a unique and natural environment. From pine cone tops, to boulder and tree trunk climbers, every element of this creative playground has a touch of wilderness and adventure in its soul! The neutral colors of the natural world help each feature blend in with the surroundings, while the exhilarating spiral slide and the mind-boggling panels make this play space truly unforgettable!


One of a kind, wild, and free, Dry Creek park is now enjoyed by everyone in the community. Bringing families together and encouraging kids to fall in love with nature as they play.

Flower Flower