Stay in Tune with Your Kids’
Excitement with Audio and
Playground Spinning Wheels

Tap into the power of the senses by combining the art of physical play with the dynamic world of upbeat audio. As your kids take hold of a playground spinning wheel, their imaginations go into overdrive as they begin to navigate their craft into adventures unknown. What better way to keep your little ones active than through the wheel of playground fun? Journey with your youngsters as they spin adventurous webs of laughter, music, and joy.


At KidsTale, we’ve been helping schools, housing complexes, religious organizations
and local communities all over North America for more than 25 years

If you partner with us, we’ll help take your community’s playground experience to the next level. Talk to one of our playground masterminds to custom design your play area into a space that challenges your children to reach their full potential. From playground spinning wheels to audio play equipment, start searching for the perfect complement to your unique playground.


Take your play ideas from idea to innovation and prepare to impact the young lives in your community.

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