Whiz towards Great
Adventure with Stand-Alone
Playground Equipment

Playtime is about more than just having fun. It’s about impacting the lives of your little ones through developmental-enriching play. No matter your space, budget, or vision, there is nothing your imagination, and our creativity combined cannot achieve.

From playground slides to independent spring riders, from crawl tunnels to other high-quality freestanding elements – we build lots of stand-alone playground equipment that can help you craft new adventures and create healthy challenges for your youngsters as they grow.


Adding a Sprinkle of
Originality to Your
Outdoor Play Area

We can work with you to find the best free-standing playground equipment for your young community. Whether you’re looking to enhance your existing playground design or transform your play space from scratch – piece by piece we’ll help you revolutionize outdoor play.


Freestanding Play Under the Spotlight... What is freestanding playground equipment?

Stand-alone playground equipment often forms the centerpiece of an outdoor play area. Independent structures such as slides, swings, climbing walls, or other freestanding equipment give you the chance to guide your children towards a stronger, more agile future.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or building upon your existing playground, the effect of freestanding playground equipment is always positive. Built from within the walls of our KidsTale factory, all our stand-alone play structures are molded and manufactured with the highest quality materials.

Looking to pack more play into your outdoor area and add fun to your kids’ playtime? Work with our passionate team to find a healthy balance between the physical challenge of climbing towards the pinnacle of fun, and staying safe in the strong structures of confidence-building play.

Freestanding Playground
Equipment – Redefining
the Freedom of
Independent Play

Find the perfect pieces to fit your outdoor space. Slide, swing, tunnel or climber, spinner, music maker, sign, or sight amenity – you name it, we design and build it! Open the door to freestanding play and build upon the imaginations of your little rascals.


Searching for a ready-made commercial playground that combines all the best parts of play?

Browse through our playground options or talk to our play experts for more personalized guidence.


Why Partner with KidsTale to Inspire Carefree Active Learning?

Playgrounds are healthy environments for your kids to learn and grow in. At KidsTale, we don’t just create unique playgrounds or innovative stand-alone playground equipment. We genuinely believe in the power of play. We truly care about creating moments, memories, environments that inspire all young children to develop key social skills, such as sharing, interacting, and working with others.

Our designers and play experts have studied the psychological and cognitive benefits of play systems on young minds. We call it Playology and we know how to bring out the best of your little warriors as they begin to discover the world around them.

Our play architects and technicians know the ins and outs of North American regulations. We craft each fully-compliant play piece with great care. We add the magical touch of a parent who cherishes building the foundations of play for imaginations to thrive in.

Our play representatives have been trained to value your voice, your opinion, your wishes. We strive to be number one in customer service and work hard to see our nations’ youngest hearts beam with joy as they see the end product.

Are you ready to work together to see your youngsters come to life in the heart of independent play?


Where Fun Meets Safe to Transform
the Possibilities of Playtime

A little pinch of guided risk is healthy for children as they grow. Your youngsters need to be challenged. They need to learn their physical boundaries, their bodies’ strengths and weaknesses, what’s possible and what’s not. At KidsTale, we help you build environments that are conducive to self-exploration, while still keeping your little ones’ safety in mind, always. All the components that make up our unique playground equipment are manufactured with time-tested, weather-resistant materials.

For over 25 years, we’ve helped schools, play centers, local government associations, religious organizations, and housing complex committees to create safe and durable play environments. Whether you have a small space with the room for one stand-alone playground piece, or you have a large play area with the freedom to fulfill hundreds of young dreams – rest assured, we are here to help!

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